Going Deeper, Women’s Bible Study (via Zoom)
Join the Zoom meeting by going online using the website and meeting code number. Or by calling: 1.408.638.0968 and entering the following meeting code number. Note: long-distance charges will apply for phone calls. For more information, contact Donna Whiskeman.
Going Deeper, Men’s Bible Study (via Zoom)
Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link: https://zoom.us/j/3387893558 Or by calling: 1.408.638.0968 and entering the following meeting code: 338 789 3558. Note: long-distance charges will apply for phone calls. If you have questions, contact Bob Larson at 970.325.4600.
Embracing Faith for Life: Packing Essentials Workshop (via Zoom)
Embracing Faith for Life: Packing Essentials Workshops on Zoom Evan and Cheri Howard will continue their workshop series through Zoom. This week's topic is: The Wisdom of a Rule of Life This week we will learn how to put all our practices together in a realistic and holistic expression of where we see God leading us in […]
Going Deeper, Women’s Bible Study (via Zoom)
Join the Zoom meeting by going online using the website and meeting code number. Or by calling: 1.408.638.0968 and entering the following meeting code number. Note: long-distance charges will apply for phone calls. For more information, contact Donna Whiskeman.
UCSJ May Newsletter Deadline
Please submit items to: Barbara Eliason at baeliason2006@msn.com.
Going Deeper, Men’s Bible Study (via Zoom)
Join the Zoom meeting by going online using the website and meeting code number. Or by calling: 1.408.638.0968 and entering the following meeting code number. Note: long-distance charges will apply for phone calls. For more information, contact Bob Larson.
Community Learning (via Zoom)
Contact Carolyn Snowbarger to join one of these discussions. Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication by Charles Swindoll — through May 27 Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans — through June 3 The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity by Cynthia Bourgeault — through July 1
Going Deeper, Women’s Bible Study (via Zoom)
Join the Zoom meeting by going online using the website and meeting code number. Or by calling: 1.408.638.0968 and entering the following meeting code number. Note: long-distance charges will apply for phone calls. For more information, contact Donna Whiskeman.